I am a dual citizen of Canada and Hungary (EU) speak both languages fluently, and have worked in Canada, Europe, the U.S.A, Mexico and Brazil.
I am committed to creating film magic, transforming the written word into three-dimensional film reality.
In order to successfully achieve the requirements of the Director and Producer I provide detailed elevated drawings to assist their decision making during pre-production. As a manager I insure that the creative abilities of the crew congeal to form a dedicated, goal oriented team effort.
I have a proven track record of being accurate in making the art department budget and monitoring it closely during production. Despite the tight budgetary limitations of most projects, my experience, imagination and dedication permit me to consistently exceed expectations.
I started working in Film in 1977 as Key Decorator on “IN PRAISE OF OLDER WOMEN”, an RSL (Robert Lantos) production.

ICE FISHING HUT - BUILT AS A SET - on ext. location as well as in studio                                                                                                                                                                                 …

ICE FISHING HUT - BUILT AS A SET - on ext. location as well as in studio “ UNSETTLED” - a Series, Directed by:Derek Diorio